Anxious Patients & Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas) is a safe and convenient addition to treatment for the anxious patient. In our office, we administer nitrous oxide to enhance patient comfort and relieve anxiety for patients of all ages. After you are comfortably seated in the dental chair, you will inhale the gas along with oxygen through a nasal mask. We will work with you to determine the amount of laughing gas you receive to ensure you are comfortable prior to starting any procedure. You will soon begin to relax and now the dentist can perform your dental work while you stay completely comfortable.

The effects of nitrous oxide subside once we remove it and place you on pure oxygen. Most patients are back to themselves in about 5 minutes. This means you will be capable of driving yourself home following the visit and can continue your daily activities as normal. Laughing gas can be used during the duration of almost all dental procedures including dental cleanings. As an alternative option, a patient may choose to use laughing gas only for part of their treatment.

Please call us at 905-775-6464 so we can address any questions or concerns you may have.